A Piano Player's Soul

A Piano Player's Soul

The keys slammed onto the strings, vibrating through the rooms. Filling them up with melody, with rhythm, with surprises. One moment in moll, the next in dur. And the piano player, the creator of this wonder, sat quietly at the piano. Not making a sound, but his body flowing to

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A Piano Player's Soul

A Piano Player's Soul

The keys slammed onto the strings, vibrating through the rooms. Filling them up with melody, with rhythm, with surprises. One moment in moll, the next in dur. And the piano player, the creator of this wonder, sat quietly at the piano. Not making a sound, but his body flowing to

Earth & Space: Home & The Final Frontier

Earth & Space: Home & The Final Frontier

Space is a place, or a void, that has fascinated us humans for as long as dated history. The feeling that we might not be alone, that the universe is bigger than we could ever image or see. That our world is just one among billions of others. That is