A Table with Legs

A Table with Legs

Its funny. When I was a child, the little library in our home was the room I feared the most. Not because of what it contained with all the rows of books, but because of a table that stood in the middle of it. It had, and has, legs that

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A Table with Legs

A Table with Legs

Its funny. When I was a child, the little library in our home was the room I feared the most. Not because of what it contained with all the rows of books, but because of a table that stood in the middle of it. It had, and has, legs that

The Rising Sun and a Storming Sea

The Rising Sun and a Storming Sea

The sun just peeked over the horizon and set it afire whole.    At the table a young man sat with his arms reached out in front of him, and with the sun casting light all over them and his pale, pale face; as pale as that of a ghost risen