
A collection of 2 posts

Was It All a Fleeting Dream?

Was It All a Fleeting Dream?

About the Project”Was It All a Fleeting Dream?” is a meditation in written and photographic form upon existence, photography, and the fragility of life. It is published on, will be exhibited with Fria Fotografers Filial at Kulturhuset Stadsteatern Stockholm January 26 – February 17, and published and exhibited

Sculptors of our Lives: Graduation

Sculptors of our Lives: Graduation

Our cloth's feathers fluttered in the wind as though it was a bird's fragile wings being freed from the fishing line that held them sewn together. The bird shouting freedom, freedom! with our every step, as it fluttered its wings free of that line; as we ran out of the

Viktor Aronsson

Essay |