The Tree of Pearls

The Tree of Pearls

There it stood. With its arms reaching out to the sky, the heaven, above, and with people surrounding its shiny bark, hard as metal, firm as metal, unbreakable as if it was a samurai’s sword, forged from the hardest of ores.        The tree’s foundation as that of glue

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The Tree of Pearls

The Tree of Pearls

There it stood. With its arms reaching out to the sky, the heaven, above, and with people surrounding its shiny bark, hard as metal, firm as metal, unbreakable as if it was a samurai’s sword, forged from the hardest of ores.        The tree’s foundation as that of glue



Society, release me from your grip, Society, let me be free and set me free (see the world), Society, free me from my sins, don't imprison me in cuffs. Society, do not what you have done to me, to the children in thy nests, in thy world fed from your

Viktor Aronsson

Poetry |

The Sun's and Winds' Island

The Sun's and Winds' Island

Photographs from this summer: Öland, Sverige. Summer of 2016, post 3 of 3. The Sun's and Winds' Island Where the winds are eternal, and the sun almost too. Where I spend my summer, since I was two years old.